New video: “Aunt Flo’s Waltz” (live in LA)

April 3, 2015 – Room 5 Lounge, Los Angeles

Dedicated to removing the stigma that keeps homeless shelters in short supply of feminine hygiene products. #TheHomelessPeriod

Lyrics below (closed captions available)

About once a month, women have a friend visit
Some of us call her “Aunt Flo”
Even though she brings misery every time she comes to call
We’re expected to never ever mention her at all

She brings us sharps pains in our stomachs and backs
She’s been known to make quite a mess
Her timing’s less than comic, length of stay, we never know it
But if we feel like we’re dying, we will never ever show it

‘Cause the men never understand that it can be straining
To go about your daily work while your life force is draining
Straight out of your body, for three to five days
So it makes sense to men, when they say …

“Shut up and shove some cotton up your twat!”
Did you think men were interested?
Well honey, they’re not
They think they’re so tough with those muscles they’ve got
But they’ve never shut up and shoved cotton up their twat

Some of the boys who hear me sing this song
May find this issue disgusting
But if it was them bleeding out of their dong
It would mostly likely be all that we’d be discussing


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